It has been a very different year, many of us are looking forward to some down time over the holidays and coming back in January with renewed energy and focus for 2021.
Here are seven actions we recommend taking during the last few weeks of 2020 to set yourself up for greater success in 2021.
1. Communicate with Gratitude:
Send sincere holiday greetings to clients, prospect, past clients and influencers. Let them know you are looking forward to being in touch in the New Year.
2. Connect with Your Top Twenty:
Identify your Top Twenty and be “first-in-line”; reach out with dates and times for a January connection. Learn about Top Twenty – 7 minute video
3. Create Your Strategic Plan:
Kick-start 2021 with a well thought out strategic plan. Remember there are four quarters in every year; be sure to spread your strategies across the calendar. Here is a guide for what to include in your plan.
4. Read ‘This Year I Will’ by M.J. Ryan:
According to one survey, 68% of people set goals and make New Year’s resolutions and 8% of those people succeed. Why? Because we set goals, but we don’t address what needs to change to make our goals a reality. This book is my annual primer on how best to build new practices and behaviors. Read this review.
5. Set & Protect “Working on the Business” Time:
Schedule weekly blocks of time for business growth activities. Then schedule a half-day at the end of every quarter to review your plans and set your focus for the next quarter. It is critical to honour and protect this time as you move through the year. You must respect your business growth time as much as you do your client time. You can’t have one without the other.
6. Schedule Leisure Time Away from the Business:
You may not be going away, but you do need time away from your business. Schedule leisure time now to ensure it happens. Book Fridays of the long weekends so you can spread a little extra personal time through the year. Do it now before the time gets gobbled up by other things. Here are some pointers on making the most of your leisure time.
7. Confirm Your Ideal Client & Schedule Networking Opportunities:
Virtual networking is definitely not the same as face-to-face. It’s even more critical to include solid follow-up after every virtual event to deepen relationships. Make the time to research new venues that may not previously been available. Review the qualities and characteristics of your clients this past year to be sure you are networking in the right places and building the right relationships. Use this checklist to help build your Ideal Client profile.