Growth is a Journey, Not a Quick Fix.

How it works
We work one-on-one with business owners who have already established their business, have hit a ceiling and want to grow.  They have tried lots of things and they have come to recognize that growth is not a quick fix, it is a journey.

For that reason, our Strategic Focus ProgramsTM are all one-year programs. In addition to pre-scheduled planning and focus sessions, our team is available for support when you need them.  We are “on call” as your consultants, mentors, advisors and coaches.

We want to be instrumental in helping you achieve the results you want for your business.
We stay on your journey with you.

Is Your Planning Partners the right fit for you?

Typically our clients have achieved some success with their business and now they are ready to grow.

When they come to work with Your Planning Partners they share common characteristics.  They are:

  • Spending too much time on low-value activities.
  • Not able to make time to manage and work on growing their business.
  • Reacting to situations instead of being proactive.
  • Not taking advantage of opportunities.
  • Feel like they are spinning their wheels.
  • Tired and overwhelmed.
  • Not having fun!


Results of working with Your Planning Partners

Working together through The Strategic Focus ProgramTM our clients gain a clear vision, set a strategic action plan unique to their needs and focus on actively implementing their plan.

They take advantage of new opportunities and are able to understand the overall impact these situations will have on their future success.  They are building their success team.

They take more free time from the business. They have more passion and they have fun!

There are no surprises

All fees are fixed at the beginning of your program.  You know exactly what your investment and your payment program will be for the year.  We guarantee no surprise fees.

How are you positioned for your business growth?

Complete your Strategic Focus ScorecardTMscore

Take the first step

Our proven process, The Strategic Focus ProgramTM, takes a comprehensive look at every aspect of your business and helps you plan for growth.  It helps you focus on key opportunities, achieve your goals and grow your business.
Contact us about a complimentary Vision Session.