We are currently working with our clients to think beyond 2021. We believe 2021 is going to be some rendition of what we have right now. Not the same but similar.
It is our recommendation that you use this year to develop and implement strategic plans that allow you to prepare and propel your business growth in 2022 and 2023.
However, business owners are telling us that they feel stuck and they can’t see where it is they’re going. The future feels uncertain and they can’t envision what their business will look like in one year let alone three years.
It’s proven that small business success comes when you have absolute clarity about where you are now and where it is you want to go. Having a clear vision provides purpose and helps you prioritize and set focus on more than today.
If you’re finding it difficult to think beyond your current situation, here are three tools to help kick-start your thinking into the future.
1. Make some assumptions.
Looking into the future may seem impossible while so many things are still uncertain. But you must make some assumptions and put a stake in the ground so you can move forward. Your vision does not need to be set in stone. It is a living breathing thing to be revisited regularly. You can respond as things outside your control unfold.
2. Dare to dream.
Slowly form a picture of the future by answering this question …
“If there were no obstacles and everything was possible, what is the perfect picture; what do I really want for my business and personal life?”
Write your thoughts down. Don’t question anything. Don’t hamper your thinking by identifying obstacles. Let your mind wander and remember there are no right or wrong answers.
3. Live with it.
Live with your written answer for a while. Add to it, enhance it and make it more explicit.
You can take it a step further and make it even more compelling.
- Write a memorable story capturing key points of what you will be celebrating on December 31st, 2023. Who will you be with? Where will you be? What does your success look like?
- Create a Vision Board with cut out words, phrases and pictures representing your Vision. Place it somewhere predominant to provide inspiration when you need it.
Growing a successful business always starts with a clear vision. You need to have clarity on where you are going so you can focus on the right things and take the right actions to get you there.
Be in touch if you want help working through your vision. We have more tools I’d be happy to share.