Business Owners Toolbox #1 (5 Business Tools)


Five of our favourite tools to help Business Owners manage and grow their business.

Tools you can implement immediately and learn how to – Identify & avoid the 7 biggest mistakes Business Owners make – Lead & manage effective meetings – Take control of your To Do List – Avoid & manage risk – Conduct & act upon an effective SWOT analysis.


Here’s what is in your Business Owner Toolbox:

  1. 7 Biggest Mistakes Business Owners Make and How to Avoid Them: We all make mistakes! The real question is how we can avoid them. This tool identifies the 7 most common mistakes and the actions you can take to overcome them.
  2. Oh No! Not Another Meeting: Meetings are essential. They let us build relationships. They resolve problems. They inform people. We can’t get rid of them but we sure can control them. By following a few very simple rules we can turn meetings into effective and productive events.
  3. Get Control of Your To Do Lists: To do lists hound us daily. This tool explains a simple way to prioritize your lists so you can create order out of chaos and ONE list that is manageable and doable.
  4. Avoid Risks by Successfully Managing Risks: As business owners we face risks every day. When we embark on any new project, we are open risks; cost overruns, scope creep, late delivery and the worst of all, failure! The Strategic Focus Risk Assessment ™ helps you manage and lessen risks.
  5. SWOT Analysis: One of the oldest business tools in the world, SWOT is still providing business owners with huge value. A SWOT helps you focus on the right things by taking advantage of your company’s strengths and opportunities while not losing sight of the threats and weaknesses. From this exercise you can develop the strategies you need to grow your business.