If like many business owners you are starting to plan 2014 … STOP!
Before you go any further make sure you have complete clarity around what YOU want in your future and what YOU want for your business. We call this your Vision.
“A business without a vision is directionless. It lacks purpose” writes Michael Gerber in his book E-Myth Mastery.
You can’t plan the future of your business if you don’t know what you want the future to look like. You must have complete clarity on where it is you are going before you can plan how you will get there.
Your vision is your unique dream. It is what you want your business to become. It’s your big picture. It is what you need to focus on when you are overwhelmed by the mass trivia that invades our business lives. It’s your pull factor. Your vision is what gives purpose to you as a business owner.
The clearer your vision the more powerful your focus will be. When you clearly articulate what your future looks and feels like you begin to do things with purpose in mind. It is not magic! It is the practical result of visualization.
The power and energy of creating your vision comes from working through the answer to this one important question … “If there were no obstacles and everything was possible, describe the ideal vision of what you really want for your business and personal life.”
Open up your mind and let the answers roll in. Let your mind wander and consider all the exciting possibilities for your future.
Developing your vision is easy because all you have to do is dream! It is also difficult because we find obstacles and barriers to opportunity and possibility. Put yourself in the mind-set of absolutely everything is possible.
As a business owner, you must feel confident that your business is providing you with the future you want. It is your responsibility to invest the time to develop your vision and reconnect with your purpose before you begin to create your plan for the future.
When you have a clear vision you are ready to plan for 2014. As Michael Gerber writes in his E-Myth Mastery: “A vision without a plan is only a hope. A vision needs a plan to make it come alive, to make it reality.”
Enjoy the process and remember:
To make a great dream come true … you must first have a great dream!
The first step in our Strategic Focus Program is the Strategic Focus Vision SessionTM. It’s a complimentary half-day session and we work with you to develop a powerful Vision for your future. It is your big dream! To find out if you would benefit from this session, please call Judi at 416 429-2415 or email judi@yourplanningpartners.com.
Visit our website at www.yourplanningpartners.com