Critical Success Factors
Critical Success Factors
Get off the Fragmented Focus Treadmill – Judi Hughes Interview Fragmented Focus Treadmill from Your Planning Partners on Vimeo.
Mining Your Diamonds ~ Money in Your Own Backyard
Customer care means client retention. Keep your customers thrilled!
We get really excited about starting something new; we should celebrate finishing! Focus on Finishing from Nick Hughes on Vimeo.
Incorporate a rule in your business; never say anything bad about your customers; there are no bad customers.
Experts agree; we need leisure time to rejuvenate and re-ignite our creativity and passion.
It’s proven, it’s great and it’s powerful 80/20 Rule Explained from Nick Hughes on Vimeo.
Easy ways you can get and stay focused on growing your business. Focus on Staying Focused from Nick Hughes on Vimeo.