Sampling as an effective marketing strategy has been around for a very long time.
A local story – In 1913, Frank O’Connor opened a candy business selling hand-made chocolates. He soon noticed that once people bought his chocolate and tried it, they bought again and again. His challenge was getting them to try it in the first place. He had an idea! He gave away free samples of his product. He got people to taste the chocolate and they always came back for more. His company was Laura Secord.
Why give your product away for free?
Why would you want to give away your product? You’re in business to make money. Where is the strategy in giving it away?
Here are 6 really good reasons:
- Increase conversion rate – Allow qualified prospects to experience the work you do and increase the probability that they will buy.
- Credibility – Eliminate the doubt and problematic questioning of “does this work”.
- Build trust – Reflects the confidence that you have in your product and the value it can bring.
- Shorten your sales cycle – Significantly tighten up your sales cycle and reduce the number of meetings required to move from prospect to client.
- Prove you are the expert.
- Make the “money conversation” easier when the prospect has experienced the value you bring.
Do free value initiatives work?
Product sampling has been around for a long time and is a proven marketing strategy. We experience it every day. It must work … Amazon’s doing it. 😊
- Perfume & Cosmetics – free samples in department stores, magazines and through social media and online campaigns.
- Food – arrive on a weekend and you can make a full meal of samples at Costco.
- Websites – free downloads, free webinars, free eBooks all are available to let you try the product or program.
- Arts & Culture – free tickets are available at the library in the hopes you will return or buy a membership.
- Coaching – free first session is expected to ensure a match.
- Software – free 30-day trials are the norm.
5 key characteristics of successful free value strategies:
Offering something for free does not mean everyone will buy. You will increase your conversion rate when you include the following factors:
- It is FREE. There is no exchange of money.
- It has a high perceived value that allows a true experience of what you offer.
- There is no obligation for the prospect to buy.
- You are offering this “sampling” to the right audience – your ideal client.
- The offer is part of your sales process, and there is a clear opportunity for the prospect to buy at the end.
Free Value Strategies work when you develop the right offering for the right audience. Be sure to measure and manage the success of this strategy and be prepared to make small changes to bring you greater results.
What’s your “taste the chocolate”?
How can qualified prospects sample your work? What is it you can offer to demonstrate the value of what you do and let people experience how you do it? Where can it fit into your sales cycle to help bring you more Ideal Clients? Give us a call if you want some ideas.
Sample the work we do
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