The first weeks of a new year are a time when people make plans, set goals, and make New Year’s resolutions.
A few years ago, I started a new tradition that helps me stay focused on my plans and goals as I move further and further into the year. It’s the “One Word Movement”. You chose one word to inspire and guide you all year. It is a simple and powerful tool that everyone can do.
If you’re interested in this idea, this article on The One Word Movement has some great tips to help you select your one word..
I’m still playing around with my word for 2021. Here’s where I’m leaning … I think you will see the theme. 😊
“Purposeful” – having or showing determination or resolve.
“Strategic” – carefully designed or planned to serve a particular purpose or advantage.
I am excited about the year ahead. I know there will be a multitude of wonderful opportunities and I want to be purposeful and strategic as I take advantage and of the right ones.
Do you have “one word”? What one word could guide your focus for the year ahead? It’s a fun way to shape the New Year. Give it a try.
Wishing you the very best for a year filled with wonderful opportunities and great joy.